Tag Archives: sedation dentistry visit no family

Is a Craigslist ride to and from my sedation dentistry appointment acceptable transportation?

Head and shoulders photo of a man and woman lying in a field of flowers, for information on sedation dentistry from Plano TX dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.
Sedation dentistry helps you relax, but you need a trustworthy caregiver

I’m supposed to visit a sedation dentist to have a tooth pulled. Apparently, the roots are somewhat curved and the doctor wants me to be sedated for the procedure. I don’t have any friends or family nearby. I usually use a discounted cab service that is available to me because I am disabled. I asked the dentist’s office if that was good enough and they told me no because the person driving me has to go into the office with me.

I thought about using Uber or Lyft and asking the driver to do it, but you never know who you will get, and I’m not sure they’ll do something outside the normal service for me. The only thing I can think of is Craigslist. That way, I can hire someone and they can stay there then drive me home after the appointment. I’m afraid to tell my dentist’s office this because if they say no, I’m out of options and I may have to do it anyway. What are my choices? Thanks. Deidre

Deidre – Think about it this way… when you visit the sedation dentist, you’ll be given medications that will relax you. They won’t make you unconscious but will relax you so much that you’re not really concerned about an extraction. The medication doesn’t wear off right away. It can take a few hours before you feel like yourself and you’ll probably be drowsy for the rest of the day. Most people go home and sleep until the medication wears off.

Why Be Selective about Your Driver for a Sedation Dentistry Visit?

  • Craigslist can be a great service, but it can also be a dangerous one. You don’t really know who is responding to your inquiry until you meet them, and sometimes not even then. Unfortunately, while sedated, you probably still won’t care much what’s happening around you.
  • Would you entrust yourself to a stranger? Would you let a stranger take you inside your home? Probably not, and you shouldn’t.
  • One of the reasons you must have a trusted adult be your companion during and after these visits is that you’ll need someone to watch and care for you. Generally, offices worry about you stumbling at home, but if you’re with someone you don’t know, not only do you not know if they’re equipped to help you in a situation, you don’t if they are safe or if they will assist you.

Suggestions for Finding a Trustworthy Driver

  • Talk to your dentist’s office and see what they recommend. If they don’t have any ideas, check in with your church (if you have one) or any other community groups you belong to.
  • There are also community programs that sometimes offer transit and support as a service—sometimes even free.
  • Depending on your insurance, you may qualify to have a caregiver assist you for the day.

If those options are not available, you may want to consider hospital care or going without the sedative if the doctor approves. Obviously, having the tooth removed is a medical necessity. However, your doctor may be able to do other things to keep you comfortable or petition your insurance company for extra coverage based on medical necessity.

You have a  few options to consider, but Craigslist is a bad idea.

This blog is sponsored by Plano Sedation Dentist, Dr. Miranda Lacy.