Tag Archives: dental implant

What Can I Do If a Tooth Post Broke Beneath My Dental Bridge?

A post in one of my teeth broke, but the tooth is a lateral incisor and part of a dental bridge. I had a root canal on the tooth three years ago, and my dentist added the post because the tooth was broken. Now that the post has broken at the gumline, will I need a new post and a bridge? Or can my dentist take the bridge off, replace the post, and put the bridge back? – Thanks. Stefan from San Bernardino.


Dr. Lacy would need to examine your tooth and take X-rays for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. However, we have a few observations.

Our first concern is whether a new post in your tooth would work or if it would also break. A post broken at the gumline limits a dentist’s techniques to grab and remove it. Sometimes, an ultrasonic scaler can loosen the cement around the post so the dentist can remove it. However, when a post breaks at the gumline, a dentist may have to drill away tooth structure to retrieve it.

A lateral incisor is a small tooth; drilling it will further weaken it. The risk of losing a second post increases. Your dentist must remove the crown from the bridge to access the post. It would be easier to remove the entire bridge, access the tooth and post, and replace the bridge. This highlights one disadvantage of a dental bridge versus a dental implant: A dentist must replace the entire bridge if a problem occurs with a tooth in the bridge.

You cannot expect a new post to last longer than the old one on a weak incisor that will absorb lateral stress when you chew. The post will weaken and break if you have a heavy biting force.

We recommend consulting a cosmetic dentist for an exam and X-rays. The dentist can determine whether you can benefit from a dental implant for the missing tooth and the tooth with the broken post or if a new post and bridge will last.

Dr. Miranda Lacy, a Plano, Texas dentist, sponsors this post.

Is the screw post in my tooth causing this weird sensation?

My dentist did a root canal on my left front tooth, but the tooth broke at the gumline. I returned to my dentist, and she used a metal screw to attach the temporary crown.  After getting the screw, I feel a weird pressure-like sensation in my nose, but it is not painful. Is this screw going to cause more problems? I am afraid that I will lose the tooth and need a bridge. I’ve needed nitrous oxide for minor dental appointments and stronger sedation for anything more serious. I am concerned about how much this will cost because I lost my full-time job and insurance in April. I have two part-time jobs and no dental insurance. Ezra from FL


You probably would have more success with the tooth if your dentist inserted the metal post right after root canal treatment. The tooth might not have broken if your dentist had stabilized it. But we will focus on the post and possible treatment options. Keep in mind that Dr. Lacy would need to examine and x-ray your tooth for an accurate diagnosis.

What Is a Dental Post for a Crown?

A dental post for a crown is a small metal shaft or screw. A dentist places the metal post inside the tooth after root canal treatment. A post helps support a crown if you do not have enough healthy tooth structure left. A dental lab makes a custom crown that your dentist will cement to the post.

What Are the Risks of a Post?

Although screw posts are generally stable and stay in the tooth, they can exert pressure on the tooth root. The root can split with the stress and cause sensitivity or pain. A dentist needs to examine your tooth and post to determine if the post is causing your symptoms.

Treatment for Front Tooth Broken at the Gumline

When a front tooth breaks at the gumline, many dentists agree that it cannot be saved. Rotational forces on front teeth can cause a crown or post to loosen. You can accept your dentist’s recommendation for the crown and post or get a second option.

Alternative treatment if you lose the tooth

Diagram of a dental bridge
Dental bridge

If you lose your tooth, the most effective way to replace it is with a dental implant. But you explained your employment situation and lack of dental insurance. And implants are the most expensive treatment for replacing missing teeth. A dental bridge or a dental flipper is a more affordable option.

  • Dental bridgeThree crowns are connected at the sides to replace a missing tooth. Your dentist must taper the tooth on either side of the missing one because the crown on each end of the bridge must fit over those teeth to anchor the bridge.
  • Flipper partial – A replacement tooth is embedded in an acrylic base. A clasp on each end of the appliance hooks around a tooth to keep the partial in place.
Photo of female patient sitting and relaxing in a dental chair, for information on sedation dentistry from Plano female dentist, Dr. Miranda Lacy.
Ask your dentist about sedation options

Depending on which treatment you use, you might need stronger sedation than nitrous oxide to help you relax. Talk to your dentist about your anxiety. Also, speak with her about financing or a payment plan to help you pay for care over time.

Miranda Lacy, DDS, a female dentist in Plano, TX, sponsors this post.

Should the tooth be extracted or should I receive a root canal?

Last year I had a filling replaced in tooth for the third time. About 4 months later I had pain in the tooth again. My dentist gave me a root canal and put a cap on the tooth. Every thing was ok until last month when the tooth started hurting again. Now my dentist says I need another root canal treatment. Should I have just gotten the tooth pulled? – Greg G.

Greg – An endodontist specializes in root canal treatments. So visit an endodontist for advice on whether or not a root canal treatment is best, or if the tooth should be extracted. If the tooth can be saved, it will be less expensive to preserve it than to extract it and replace it with a dental implant or a dental bridge.

The empty space from an extracted tooth should not be left that way. When a tooth is missing, adjacent or opposing tooth will drift into the space and cause additional oral health issues.

The second opinion from an endodontist will help you make an informed decision.

This blog post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.