Category Archives: Teeth whitening

I think free teeth whitening is making my teeth brittle

I got 6 tubes of free teeth whitening from a friend and I think it’s making my teeth brittle. I had some pistachios over the weekend and while I was eating them a tiny piece of my tooth cracked. Pistachios aren’t that hard to chip a tooth. Also I’m noticing that my teeth seem to be more sensitive than normal. I’m afraid that I got cheap whitening from my friend. She got it online and her teeth seem to be okay, but maybe my teeth are more sensitive than hers. I’ve been using the whitening 5 days a week for the past 3 ½ months and my teeth are weaker but not much whiter. Is there something I can do to strengthen my teeth? I don’t want to go to my dentist because she offered me teeth whitening, but hers cost $400. I’m embarrassed to go into the office and tell her that I got the gel free and it’s messing up my teeth. Thanks. Kelsey

Kelsey – We strongly urge you to stop using the free teeth whitening right away. Although you might not want to go to your dentist, you do need to see a dentist.

Without examining the tubes of the gel, it’s hard to say what you received. But if it is professional-strength bleaching gel, using it five times a week for a three and a half months is excessive and can definitely damage your teeth.

Signs and Symptoms of Excessive Teeth Whitening

If you whiten your teeth too much, your teeth will tell the story. What are the signs that the free teeth whitening—or any other type of whitening—has damaged your teeth?

  • Increased sensitivity – Your teeth can become increasingly sensitive to hot and cold drinks or foods. Some people already have sensitive teeth, and over-bleaching them can make it worse.
  • Changes in tooth color – Your teeth can lose their whiteness and become transparent or blotchy.
  • Irritated gums – Gums can bleed easily and become sensitive or inflamed.
  • Brittle teeth – Excessive bleaching can dehydrate your teeth and make them brittle.

Schedule an appointment with your dentist for an examination and treatment recommendations. If you are completely hesitant about returning to your current dentist, find an experienced cosmetic dentist, and schedule an appointment for an exam. Don’t delay.

Although it’s not safe to whiten your teeth at all for now, there are dentists who offer free teeth whitening for patients who keep their regularly schedule appointments for dental cleanings and exams. You’ll get positive, predictable results.

This post is sponsored by Plano female dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Is it okay to use free teeth whitening on my porcelain veneers?

Is it okay to use free teeth whitening on my porcelain veneers? I don’t want to put anything on them that could mess up the veneers. I smoke a lot and thought I would be able to stop smoking by now. This is the 3rd year I’ve had veneers and they are starting to pick up stains. Instead of paying to have my dentist whiten them I wonder if I can do it myself. I found a promotion for a free teeth whitening kit as a starter and I plan on cancelling the subscription before my credit card gets charged for an ongoing supply. Brooke


Your porcelain veneers can neither be whitened with free teeth whitening nor any other type of teeth whitening.

An Alternative to Teeth Whitening for Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are colorfast and bleaching them won’t remove the stains. They are also virtually stain resistant, but if they are getting stained by smoking, there are some things you should and should not do:

  • Avoid brushing your veneers with abrasive, whitening toothpaste. The toothpaste can crack the glaze on your veneers and cause them to stain more easily.
  • Only have your teeth cleaned by a dentist and dental hygienist who are specifically trained in caring for and cleaning porcelain veneers. There are dental tools specifically designed to be gentle on veneers and keep the glaze intact.
  • Keep your regularly scheduled appointments for dental cleanings and exams.
  • Ask your cosmetic dentist to polish surface stains off your veneers.

Even on natural teeth, free teeth whitening might not be effective. The contents of the bleaching gel determine if it will clean your teeth. Carbamide peroxide is the whitening agent in professional-strength bleaching gel. In order to get predictable results, teeth whitening should be supervised by a dentist.

Only ask a trained cosmetic dentist for help removing stains from your porcelain veneers. Don’t use your free teeth whitening on them.

This post is sponsored by Plano female dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Free teeth whitening made my teeth way too white

I got free teeth whitening from my sister and now my teeth are too white. I got custom trays from eBay and used the bleaching gel. I did it for 2 months straight because my teeth were so dingy. I didn’t notice how white my teeth were getting and now when I look in the mirror my smile looks ridiculous. Now I want to darken my teeth. I’m wondering if there is something I can buy to darken them up. I’m embarrassed to go to my dentist any time soon because she will notice right away that I did something with my teeth. What are my options for making them darker? Thanks. Jilian

Jilian – It sounds like the free teeth whitening you received from your sister was professional-strength bleaching gel that really worked well.

There are a few things everyone should consider before teeth whitening:

  • If you want whiter teeth with at-home treatment, a dentist will recommend that you bleach them two weeks at a time.
  • After you finish each whitening session, the bleaching gel continues to break down stains in your teeth.
  • After each session you will be instructed to wait at least a week in between for your tooth color to stabilize. If your teeth aren’t bright enough at that point, whitening sessions can continue.

Based on your results, you probably whitened your teeth without waiting for the color to stabilize. That’s likely the reason that you didn’t notice how white your teeth were getting.

What can you do about it now? Give it time. Your teeth will pick up stains and their brightness will be a little less noticeable. Bleaching gel lightens the natural pigmentation of your teeth. So you’ll still have a super bright smile, but in time, it won’t be so stark white. Don’t do touch-up whitening treatments until you’re absolutely sure you need it.

In the future, keep in mind that it’s not safe to whiten your teeth for two months straight without the supervision of a dentist. It’s possible to over-bleach your teeth and damage your tooth enamel or cause your teeth to become discolored.

It’s best for whitening to be supervised by a dentist who can monitor the progress.

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX female dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Where can I get free teeth whitening to help me with job interviews?

My teeth are horrible and I think they have prevented me from getting successful job interviews. I’m looking for free teeth whitening. I live in a shelter for homeless families because my husband is emotionally and physically abusive and didn’t take care of us financially either. We have moved 11 times in the past 3 years and are unable to get an apartment due to bad credit and a bad payment history. I’m not sure where my husband is but the kids and I are safe. I have minimal dental insurance that we’ve managed to hold onto but it doesn’t pay to get my teeth whitened. I’m looking for deep discounted or preferably free teeth whitening. Where can I find dentists who will do free teeth whitening? There are a few other women in the shelter who might be interested in it too. Thanks. Cindy


We commend you for your determination to take care of your family. Your smile can make a huge first impression on interviewers, especially if your job will involve interacting with the public.

Before You Receive Free Teeth Whitening

Care must be taken before your teeth are whitened.

  • Before you receive teeth whitening, a recent dental cleaning is needed so the whitening will be effective.
  • Bleaching isn’t for everyone. A dentist will need to examine your teeth and the stains in them to determine if bleaching them is the right treatment to make them whiter.
  • If there is a buildup of plaque on your teeth, it will interfere with the effectiveness of the bleaching gel.
  • Bleaching isn’t done right away after your teeth are cleaned, because your teeth will still be sensitive from your dental hygiene appointment.

We suggest that you find a few dentists who offer free teeth whitening after a dental exam and cleaning. This offer is usually extended to new dental patients.

You already have dental insurance, so the cost of a routine exam and cleaning should be covered. You might have to call a few dental offices or search online for a few who extend the offer. Their websites often have a tab for new patients or patient specials. If you can provide proof of your residence at the shelter and explain your situation, you might be able to find a dentist to provide you with free teeth whitening, even if he or she normally doesn’t provide it.

Best wishes for your job interviews and your family.

This post is sponsored by Plano female dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.


Can I use my free teeth whitening trays as a retainer?

Hi. Just wondering if I can use my free teeth whitening trays as a retainer. I got the trays from my former dentist and I still use them to whiten my teeth. They are in almost new condition. I completed Invisalign treatment 5 months ago and I have misplaced my retainer. The last place I had it was at home and I haven’t traveled recently, so it has to be here. I’m not ready to replace my retainer because I had some unexpected expenses this month. I know I need to wear something on my teeth at least overnight and I am wondering if the whitening trays are okay to wear temporarily or is it better to just go without the whitening trays? Gina.


Your free teeth-whitening trays should not be used as a retainer. There are several reasons why.

Why Teeth-Whitening Trays Shouldn’t Be Used as a Retainer

  • The material is different – Teeth whitening trays are flexible and comfortable to wear. The material is softer than a retainer, because bleaching trays are not designed to keep your teeth aligned. Metal or hard plastic makes retainers rigid so they will hold their shape and keep your smile aligned.
  • It’s too early after treatment – If it’s only been several months since you’ve completed orthodontic treatment, your teeth are still quite subject to movement. If you had been wearing a retainer for a year or more, they would be less likely to shift so quickly. At this point, you want to ensure that your teeth aren’t moving, and free teeth-whitening trays aren’t the answer.
  • Age is a factor – Although you didn’t mention your age, from the teen years into your early 20s, jawbone growth can cause your teeth to shift. It’s critical to wear a custom-made retainer to keep your teeth aligned.
  • Your free teeth-whitening trays really don’t fit – You received your free teeth-whitening trays before you completed orthodontic treatment. They really don’t fit the new position of your teeth. You shouldn’t use them. When you can afford it, ask your dentist for new custom trays. Some dentists provide free or discounted whitening trays as long as you keep your regularly scheduled appointments for cleaning and exams.
  • Consider the risks – Without a retainer, there is always the risk of your teeth shifting, so you shouldn’t go without it at all. If your teeth shift, you will have to resume orthodontic treatment for a short period. This can cost you more time and money than getting a new retainer.

We recommend that you contact your dentist and ask for the cost of a new retainer. If the cost is really out of your budget, ask if your dentist is willing to provide you with a payment plan to make it more affordable. Your free teeth-whitening trays will do more harm than good. There is no substitute for your retainer.

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.


Does free teeth whitening last as the whitening you have to pay for?

Does free teeth whitening last as long as other kinds of teeth whitening? I got a pack of free teeth whitening that looks like it might be a year’s supply. Will it last long enough for me to use it every week for a year or will it go bad and damage my teeth or do nothing at all. Do I need to use more of it than the usual whitening that you might get from a dentist? Thanks. Dolly

Dolly – You didn’t mention the source of your whitening gel. Depending on its origin, it might not work at all, or it might damage your teeth.

Carbamide peroxide is the whitening ingredient in bleaching gel that dentists use. Does the free teeth-whitening gel you received contain carbamide peroxide? Other whitening agents might not work as well. Carefully, examine the contents listed on the package before you use the gel. Also, examine the packing for an expiration date. That will help you determine how long the gel is expected to last.

Before you use any type of whitening gel, be sure that your teeth are clean and free of cavities and your gums are free of disease. Otherwise the teeth whitening process can be a big irritant.

Also, teeth whitening gel should be used as directed. Only keep the gel in contact with your teeth for the time directed on the packaging. Be certain to use custom bleaching trays. They will keep the gel sealed against your teeth and away from your gums. Don’t overdo it. You should not whiten your teeth every week for a year. If it’s overused, the bleaching gel can weaken your teeth and make them brittle. Some people who whiten their teeth too much find that their teeth are becoming darker—not water.

We suggest that you use caution and ask your dentist to examine your teeth and determine if any type of teeth whitening is safe for you to use. You might even ask your dentist to look at the free teeth-whitening gel before you use it—just to be sure that the ingredients are safe. If not, your dentist can provide you with a safe means of brightening your smile.

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Can I give my free teeth whitening to my husband?

My new dentist gives patients free teeth whitening after their second dental cleaning appointment. I don’t want to bleach my teeth because I have crowns on 2 teeth and I don’t want my own teeth to be whiter than the crowns. I can’t use the whitening and the office doesn’t do substitutions for other services. My husband is interested in whitening his teeth and he doesn’t have any crowns or anything to worry about. The lady at the front desk at the dentist’s office was hesitant when I mentioned that I would just give the kit to my husband, and then she told me that the kits are only for active patients of my dentist. Is there any reason why he shouldn’t use it or were they just trying to keep the kit and save money because I can’t use it? Thanks Gemma


Even if the teeth whitening kit is free, a professional kit from a dentist is customized for each patient. Bleaching trays are made based on impressions of your teeth to ensure they fit well and provide the best results. It sounds like your husband isn’t a patient at your dentist’s office. Otherwise, he would eventually receive a free whitening kit of his own.

The kit would be incomplete without customized trays for your husband. This puts him at risk for getting not enough—or too much—bleaching gel on his teeth and gums. Store-bought bleaching trays are not a reliable and effective way to put the bleaching gel in contact with his teeth.

Before teeth whitening is completed, an examination is needed to determine if bleaching will help or harm your husband’s teeth. In some cases, the gel will make stains on teeth more noticeable. If your husband is a candidate for whitening, he should have a professional dental cleaning first. This will make the whitening treatments more effective. Still, he needs professional whitening trays.

As a suggestion, your husband can ask his dentist about whether or not free teeth whitening is available, or how it can be made affordable for him. Many dentists are willing to work with patients to make a bright smile affordable.

This post is sponsored by Plano female dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.


Is this free teeth whitening damaging my tooth enamel?

I got free teeth whitening a couple of months ago and I think that it is started to damage my tooth enamel. My teeth are starting to a weird color. Also they are super sensitive to anything cold. Sometimes even if I am not drinking anything cold, I get this powerful shock in my teeth that really hurts. I took ibuprofen last night and that seemed to help. At first I really thought the stuff was working because my teeth looked whiter. Now they don’t look or feel good. I guess I should stop using it. Can it permanently damage my tooth enamel? Thanks. Joseph

Joseph – You should stop using the free teeth whitening. You didn’t mention how often you use the whitening gel, but if you are using it more than once a month, you are probably using it too often.

Any type of bleaching gel, if used frequently, can weaken your tooth enamel and even discolor your teeth. If bleaching gel is professional strength, usually touchup treatments are needed once or twice a year. If you smoke or drink daily, touchups may need to be more frequent, perhaps quarterly.

But bleaching your teeth daily or weekly should be avoided. Teeth whitening treatments that are unsupervised by a dentist can damage your tooth enamel. Your teeth can become translucent and very sensitive.

Schedule an appointment with a dentist to examine your teeth and to look at the ingredients in the bleaching gel you are using. The dentist will be able to determine if your free teeth whitening gel is causing the sensitivity in your teeth and if it has done any lasting damage to your teeth.

Some dentists offer free teeth whitening or discounted teeth whitening to patients who maintain their regular cleaning and examination appointments. This is a safe way to brighten your smile and get predictable results. Your dentist will monitor the progress and decrease or increase the strength of the bleaching gel, depending on how it is affecting your teeth. He or she will also let you know how frequently you should do touchups.

Schedule an examination with an experienced cosmetic dentist as soon as possible.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Can I start my free teeth whitening while I’m wearing braces?

Can I start teeth whitening while I am wearing braces? We moved from Georgia last month and I have already found a new orthodontist. Now I am working on getting a new general dentist. I found a few dentists from postcards sent to my home as a new resident in the community. Both dentists offer free teeth whitening if you keep your regular exam and cleaning appointments. I think it would be great to have my teeth white when the braces come off. I am noticing some spots on my teeth anyway, so why not? My husband told me that I should check first instead of signing up for something that I can’t use. I see that your office offers free teeth whitening too. Can I start it while I’m wearing braces? Thanks. Brenda Leigh

Brenda Leigh – When a dentist offers free teeth whitening, you will likely receive customized bleaching trays and bleaching gel. The trays are made based on impressions of your teeth. But you’re wearing braces, so to make the trays, you’re braces would have to be removed, and you wouldn’t be able to whiten your teeth with the braces on. So you do need to wait until your orthodontic treatment is over.

Even people who wear removable braces such as Invisalign need to wait until treatment is completed before whitening their teeth. Invisalign trays are not made for whitening teeth. The trays, as well as your teeth and gums can be harmed by using Invisalign in ways for which they were not designed.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t select a dentist who offers free teeth whitening. Choose a dentist based on his or her experience and training, as well as your oral health needs. After you find a qualified dentist who offers free teeth whitening, explain your interest in the treatment. The dentist is probably willing to give it to you after your orthodontic treatment is completed.

It’s easy to call two or three dental offices first and explain your situation. Have a consultation at each office to meet the staff and dentist. It will help you determine if you will be comfortable with the practice. After your braces are permanently removed and your teeth are cleaned, you can enjoy a bright smile.


This post is sponsored by Plano, TX female dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

I quit smoking and my teeth are still dark. Where can I find free teeth whitening?

I quit smoking about 2 years ago. I smoked from age 13 to 39. I was hoping that with time my teeth would get whiter by now. Now that it’s been 2 years I am not so confident that it’s going to happen. I started using whitening toothpaste about 3 weeks after I quit. I really don’t see any improvement. Also for over a month last year I used whitening strengths. I got the most costly box I could find at Walmart because I really wanted it to work. I am not about to pay a dentist $500 to get my teeth white so I am going to keep working at it myself. How long will it take for my teeth to lighten, or is it really too late? Is there anywhere I can get free teeth whitening? – Henry

Henry – When you quit smoking, you prevent additional staining of your teeth from the nicotine, but quitting doesn’t reverse the stains and discoloration that smoking has already caused on your teeth.

Whitening toothpaste removes surface stains from your teeth. Stains from cigarette smoking are beneath the surface, and it takes strong bleaching gel to penetrate your teeth and break down the stains in them. Over-the-counter whitening strips just aren’t strong enough.

Many people search online for free teeth-whitening kits. Often shipping rates for the products are very expensive. Other consumers find that the bleaching gel had no effect on their teeth at all. In some cases, teeth or gums have been damaged by chemicals in the bleaching gel, which perhaps was not bleaching gel at all.

A cosmetic dentist can help. He or she will examine your teeth to determine which whitening treatment will work best on them. Either in-office or take-home treatment will get your teeth amazingly white. If necessary, most dentists will be able to work with your budget to make teeth whitening affordable for you. You may be able to find a dentist who offers free teeth-whitening treatment to patients who keep their regularly scheduled dental cleaning and exam appointments.

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX female dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.