Tag Archives: teeth are too white

Free teeth whitening made my teeth way too white

I got free teeth whitening from my sister and now my teeth are too white. I got custom trays from eBay and used the bleaching gel. I did it for 2 months straight because my teeth were so dingy. I didn’t notice how white my teeth were getting and now when I look in the mirror my smile looks ridiculous. Now I want to darken my teeth. I’m wondering if there is something I can buy to darken them up. I’m embarrassed to go to my dentist any time soon because she will notice right away that I did something with my teeth. What are my options for making them darker? Thanks. Jilian

Jilian – It sounds like the free teeth whitening you received from your sister was professional-strength bleaching gel that really worked well.

There are a few things everyone should consider before teeth whitening:

  • If you want whiter teeth with at-home treatment, a dentist will recommend that you bleach them two weeks at a time.
  • After you finish each whitening session, the bleaching gel continues to break down stains in your teeth.
  • After each session you will be instructed to wait at least a week in between for your tooth color to stabilize. If your teeth aren’t bright enough at that point, whitening sessions can continue.

Based on your results, you probably whitened your teeth without waiting for the color to stabilize. That’s likely the reason that you didn’t notice how white your teeth were getting.

What can you do about it now? Give it time. Your teeth will pick up stains and their brightness will be a little less noticeable. Bleaching gel lightens the natural pigmentation of your teeth. So you’ll still have a super bright smile, but in time, it won’t be so stark white. Don’t do touch-up whitening treatments until you’re absolutely sure you need it.

In the future, keep in mind that it’s not safe to whiten your teeth for two months straight without the supervision of a dentist. It’s possible to over-bleach your teeth and damage your tooth enamel or cause your teeth to become discolored.

It’s best for whitening to be supervised by a dentist who can monitor the progress.

This post is sponsored by Plano, TX female dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.