Tag Archives: sensitivity tooth filling

Pain and sensitivity after sedation dentist filled 2 teeth

Last week I saw a sedation dentist and got 2 teeth filled. It was so hard for me to keep a dental appointment because of my anxiety. After learning about sedation dentistry, it gave me the courage to do something about my teeth. My understanding from the Internet is that sedation helps you relax and it makes the pain less intense. I received the fillings because I thought they would fix the pain and sensitivity in my teeth, not cause more of it. The pain and sensitivity haven’t gone away and this is a huge disappointment. What’s going on? Am I going to need to have the fillings redone? Bahja

Bahja – Sedation dentistry does relax you and decrease the pain during a dental procedure. Sensitivity and pain after a tooth filling are normal. For the first 24 hours after having cavities filled, you should avoid hard or sticky foods that can irritate your teeth or cause the filling to dislodge.

Sedation dentistry can make getting cavities filled easier

As the nerves in your teeth calm down, sensitivity should gradually diminish. You will find that foods or drinks that are hot or cold will increase sensitivity in your teeth. If you had deep tooth decay that might have been close to a nerve, it is not unusual to feel pain and increased sensitivity, and it can take up to four weeks for the sensitivity to go away.

If you notice that you have pain only while you are chewing, it is possible that the fillings in your teeth are too high. Another indication that a filling is too high is that it will prevent the biting surfaces of your teeth from closing together. If you are experiencing either of these issues contact your sedation dentist’s office.

This post is sponsored by Plano female dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.