Tag Archives: Plano toothache medicine

Best medicine for my toothache?

For the past 6 months or so I got a horrible toothache every 2 or 3 weeks. I would hurt so bad for about 10 minutes then it go away. Within the past 2 months it’s more frequent. Now I think I need to take something for it. What’s better ibuprofen, aspirin, or something else? – Amber

Amber – We recommend that you see a dentist to identify the cause of the toothache. The dentist will recommend the correct treatment to eliminate the pain.

Sometimes people choose to self-medicate a toothache with pain reliever. But when you have a persistent toothache, the likely cause is a tooth infection. Pan reliever may help with the pain, but it won’t eliminate the tooth infection, which can make you very sick.

A tooth infection may spread into your jawbone. It can cause fever, earaches, headaches, and it can even spread to your brain.

Sometimes injury, problems with your ears, or sinus problems can cause tooth pain.

Don’t cover up your toothache with pain killers. See a dentist for an examination.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy