Tag Archives: Plano cheap teeth whitening

5 Cheap Ways to Whiten Your Teeth and What to Expect

There are plenty of advantages to whitening your teeth. When it’s done safely, you really can’t go wrong. Just some of the benefits include:

  • Making your smile look younger
  • Improving your social life
  • Creating a good first impression
  • Helping you feel more confident

Cheap Paths to a Brighter Smile

Of course, you can get your teeth whitened by your dentist, but are there less expensive ways that work? Let’s review five common ways people brighten their smile, and what you can expect.

1. Whitening toothpaste

There are many brands of whitening toothpaste. Some of them remove surface stains on your teeth. Many of them are abrasive and can scratch your tooth enamel. You’ll receive minimal results—if any—and if stains are trapped deep in your teeth, you probably won’t notice a difference with whitening toothpaste.

2. Whitening strips

Some strips will provide decent results depending on the strength of the peroxide in them. The higher the percentage of peroxide, the whiter your teeth will get. Remember not to overdo it. And keep the bleaching gel away from your gums.

3. Over-the-counter bleaching kit

The success of over-the-counter kits depends on the contents of the bleaching gel. Carbamide peroxide is the most effective bleaching agent. Bleaching trays need to fit well to keep the gel in contact with your teeth so it can penetrate them and break down stains. The gel in most kits is less than half the strength of what dentists offer, so it will take more whitening sessions to brighten your teeth.

4. Baking soda

Baking soda can help with minor stains, but it is also abrasive to your tooth enamel. You shouldn’t use it for an extended period. And if you have composite bonding on your teeth or other types of dental restorations, you shouldn’t use it at all.

5. Free teeth whitening

Teeth whitening makes your smile look younger

Yep – free teeth whitening. Did you know that some dentists offer it if you keep up with your regularly scheduled appointments for cleaning and exams? You will receive custom bleaching trays and professional-strength gel. The results? A dynamic smile.

This post is sponsored by Miranda Lacy DDS, a female dentist in Plano, TX who offers free teeth whitening.

Free teeth whitening turned my teeth gray

I got free teeth whitening online and it turned my teeth a weird gray color. I only used it twice. I am afraid that I have totally messed up my teeth. What could have happened? – Lanai

Lanai – If a product that was marketed as teeth whitening gel turned your teeth gray in just two uses, you didn’t receive whitening gel. Without looking at the container or testing the gel, it’s difficult to say what you received.

See a dentist right away and take the product with you to the appointment. Your teeth need to be examined to determine what needs to be done to help restore them.

For our readers: The safest way to whiten your teeth is through your dentist. If you choose to purchase online products, do your research first. Free products or products that are exceptionally low in cost may not yield good results.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.

Teeth whitening for free?

LaSt week I saw a website that featured a few teeth whitening kits with 30 day free trials, but I can’t find the site again now. Can you tell me about free teeth whitening kits that really work? I found your site but I live in Odessa. Thanks Samantha

Samantha – Your request is common. The most effective free teeth-whitening you can get will come from a dentist. There are dentists, like Dr. Miranda Lacy who offer free take-home whitening treatment if you stay current with your dental exams and cleanings.

It is unlikely that free teeth-whitening kits you order online will be effective. You may get limited results, but they won’t compare to the professional-strength whitening gel that dentists provide.

You might try Internet searches for dentists with free teeth whitening. Include the name of your city or nearby cities in the search words you enter. If you can’t find free whitening from a dentist in your area, you will likely be able to find a dentist who can make the take-home kit affordable for you.

This post is sponsored by Plano dentist Dr. Miranda Lacy.